Adobo Seasoning

Adobo Seasoning

Photo by Haley Brennan

Seasonings make a meal come together! Adobo seasoning is versatile and a great addition to just about anything. Use it on meats and fish that you grill, roast, fry, or sauté. It can be used as a dry rub or wet marinade or simply sprinkled on before cooking. It can also be used for plant-based meals, such as sautéed vegetables, beans, soups, potatoes, and more.

This recipe is quick and easy to make at home and can be made in bulk in preparation for months of cooking. Simply buy the individual spices and combine them.

This recipe is also healthier than store-bought versions of Adobo. With only 1/5 of the sodium, or salt, contained in Goya brand Adobo seasoning, it is a healthy swap to make for those with high blood pressure. You can also experiment with reducing the amount of salt in the recipe further for those on low-sodium diets.


  • 4 Tbsp(s), Garlic Powder
  • 2.5 tsp, Salt
  • 2 tsp(s), Black Pepper
  • 2 tsp(s), Oregano
  • 0.5 tsp, Gound Turmeric

Makes approximately 40 servings – 0.5 tsp/serving.

Tbsp = Tablespoon, tsp = teaspoon

Kitchen Tools

  • Measuring spoons
  • Jar with a lid


  1. Measure and combine all spices in a jar.
  2. Shake jar until seasonings well combined.
  3. Use seasoning with cooking or store it for future recipes.

Nutrition Facts

1 serving = 0.5 tsp

Nature Nurture Health Adobo Recipe Created with MyFitness Pal

Link to MyFitness Pal Recipe: Adobo Seasoning – Nature Nurture Health |

Tips and Tricks

Check the ingredient labels before you buy your spices. There may be added salt, preservatives, and other ingredients that will alter how healthful this recipe can be. Try to buy spices without additives. This should not impact cost or shelf life.

Store your seasoning in an airtight container. I like to use Mason Jars. You can also save glass containers from common food items like tomato sauce. Just make sure to clean the jars with warm water and soap. Remove any labels before cleaning any food jars in your dishwasher.

Use a spoon to apply seasonings over food. This will prevent any moisture from rising steam from entering the seasoning jar, which will reduce the shelf life and cause clumping.

Log your intake using MyFitness Pal. Click the link below to access the recipe for the Nature Nurture Health Adobo Seasoning on MyFitness Pal. This will help you keep track of your sodium intake throughout the day.

Adobo Seasoning – Nature Nurture Health |

For recipe videos visit my Instagram account @NatureNurtureHealth (Link Here).