UVM Integrative Lecture Series: “Integrative Healthcare: The Time is Now!”

UVM Integrative Lecture Series: “Integrative Healthcare: The Time is Now!”

Lecture Type: Online Video (Link Here)

Time: 63 minutes 14 seconds

Date: February 24, 2017

Speaker: Lori Knutson, R.N., H.N.B.-B.C.

Topic: Integrative Healthcare


Lori Knutson, R.N., H.N.B.-B.C., presents a talk on integrative healthcare for the University of Vermont Laura Mann Integrative Lecture Series. Lori is the administrative director of integrative health and medicine for the Meridian Health System. She is also faculty for the Duke University Integrative Healthcare Leadership program.

You can view the lecture on YouTube by clicking the link here.

You can download the PowerPoint presentation for this lecture by clicking the link here.

You can also visit the UVM Integrative Health Care Lecture Series home page by clicking the link here.

Lecture Takeaways

Lori explains that integrative healthcare is an overarching term that brings together the best of conventional medicine, a holistic health philosophy, complementary therapies, neutraceuticals, and various medical branches, such as functional medicine and traditional healing methodologies like Ayurveda. Using a personalized approach to care, patients are empowered through knowledge, skills, resources, and tools to improve their self-care.

Today, there is an increasing prevalence of patients with diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and opioid medication overdose. This leads to increased healthcare costs and a greater number of persons on disability. Additionally, mental health issues are prevalent. Rates of burnout and suicide are high among physicians.

“The best opportunities come at the time we have the most pain because that is the time we have the motivation to change.”

Lori Knutson, R.N.

Lori believes that this is the perfect storm to create healthcare reform using an integrative approach to care to address healthcare challenges today. What is even better than simply addressing these issues is that integrative medicine aspires to go beyond freedom from illness and disease to move towards optimizing health and wellbeing. Taking a holistic approach, health is addressed beyond

 To do this, populations are patients are brought together to form support groups, which integrate community and connection with care. This also allows patients to learn from one another to change lifestyle factors that impact health conditions. Additionally, social determinants of health are addressed beyond the examination room. Using a combination of outside organizations, group-based care, and individualized behavior change in addition to conventional care, patients can begin to strive toward optimal health and quality of life.

To achieve this transformation, how medical care is valued also needs to transform. Reimbursement today is based on volume. Every time you visit a medical provider, that provider is paid. Instead, this volume-based model of care needs to become a value-based model of care. Value-based care provides payment based on outcomes, quality, and efficiency.

(Knutson, 2017)

Concluding Thoughts

Nurse Lori believes that the time is now to transform healthcare into an integrative medicine model. This may help to improve patient outcomes, as well as support them to enhance overall well-being. To do this, systems beyond the care interaction need to change. Learn more about how integrative medicine can help to address current healthcare challenges today.

You can view the lecture on YouTube by clicking the link here.

You can download the PowerPoint presentation for this lecture by clicking the link here.

You can also visit the UVM Integrative Health Care Lecture Series home page by clicking the link here.


Knutson, L. (2017, February 24). Integrative Healthcare: The Time is Now! [Lecture Recording]. University of Vermont Laura Mann Integrative Health Care Lecture Series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFi0Vb-iuks


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